MGM Resorts International’s betting platform has launched in the Land of Enchantment! Their inaugural physical sportsbook is now operational at the Isleta Resort & Casino located in Albuquerque, signifying the company’s presence in its 28th state. The expansive 4,900-square-foot space is outfitted with 35 television displays and a pair of VIP sections, ensuring a captivating experience for sports enthusiasts. Isleta Resort & Casino’s Chief Executive Officer, Karl Waitner, expressed excitement over the collaboration, stating his belief that it will amplify the thrill of memorable sporting events. This development follows closely on the heels of BetMGM’s significant agreement with Sportradar for their National Basketball Association optical tracking data, revealed just last week, further cementing their standing within the industry.
Were elevating our collaboration with the Philadelphia 76ers by providing supporters with instantaneous marketplace figures and probabilities derived from active, on-court occurrences.